Before getting started, ensure you have properly created a Twitter account
1. Login to Allclick.
2. Click Twitter Marketing at the top-pane.
3. Click Import >> Import Account at the left-hand pane.
4. Click Add New
5. Select Authorize app. (Once you’ve clicked this option you will be redirected back to the app)
To Import followers from your Twitter Account:
1. Select Import >> Import Followers on the left-hand pane.
2. Select the Twitter account and click the button – Click Here To Begin Import
To Import Activities from your Twitter Account:
1. Select Import >> Import Activities on the left-hand pane.
2. Click START to begin importing your Twitter activities.
To Manage your Twitter Contacts you have imported:
1. Click Contacts on the left-hand pane.
2. Select the Twitter account you want to manage(Once this is done, all your Twitter contacts appear on Allclick)
3. To send a message, click Send Message on the contact you want to send a message to.
4. You can send a Text message or a Media message.
5. For any of the message types, fill in your Broadcast name and Broadcast title, enter your message, insert a video where necessary(for the Media message).
6. Select if you would like to Schedule or send now then click Send Broadcast.
To create a list for your Twitter Contact:
1. Select the contacts you want to add to the list, then click Create list at the top.
2. Enter the List Name and click Create.
Once successfully created, the list will appear in the Lists feature.
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